
Why I Started a Blog?

It’s pretty simple actually; I want to share somethings with people. Stuff like events I experienced, the books I’ve read, the thoughts and ideas that come through my mind…

For this purpose, I realized writing it out is the best way to communicate. To me, there are some advantages writing instead of giving speeches to my friends.

Some of these are:

  • Permanence of the written: Solves the problem of repeating myself over
  • The chance to reach a larger audience
  • Having an index, a sort of recording tool that I can look back on later

Theme of the Blog

To sum up in one word: Philosophy.

As a further explanation, ‘meaning’ and an effort to create meaning. And for this purpose: Book reviews, essays with critical thinking…

For Who?

For people interested in philosophy, bookworms,  searching meaning – oriented content.

Values It Bring

Blog content, especially the Book Reviews, are written with an effort simplify the subjects/concepts that might be confusing and hard to understand. I try to preset the books I’ve read and subjects I studied, as far as I understand, in a smooth way to facilitate understanding.


The theme for categories is inspired from the Six Primal Resources in the animation TV series Dragon Prince. After all, why wouldn’t the symbols that categorize existence, categorize a blog’s content 😀

The Sun

Essays and writings whose main theme is existence and truth

The Harvest

Reviews and helpful information on books, TV shows, movies and everything human-made

The Wind

Thoughts and ideas that come and go through my mind on many different subjects

Note: New categories will be added in the future.