What is Retrospective Psychology?

The research method that involves studying human psychology through the inner understanding of our own Self, our own inner reality, is called Retrospective Psychology.

Where there is human, there is human psyche (soul). Where there is human psyche, there are factors that affect human psyche. Which leads us to the scientific research branch called psychology. Psychology studies uncountably many inner and outer factors and their effects on psyche.

Due to its nature, psychology is closely related which many other disciplines, which include philosophy, ontology and epistemology, literature, biology and so on… The common ground for all other disciplines and the main topic of psychology is understanding human beings, which means understanding ourselves. For only human beings can make intellectual research and use The Language, all intellectual research is related with the human mind, and how it works. Also, only way to understand human beings is to be a human being, which makes our own Self the first direct source of knowledge, when it comes to understanding human psychology.

The research method that involves studying human psychology through the inner understanding of our own Self, our own inner reality, is called Retrospective Psychology. Which is a method as old as humanity itself.


Emin Ali Ertenü
Emin Ali Ertenü
Articles: 553

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